Ideal for voltage bleeding to Ground Plane during Indirect ESD Immunity...
Programmable discharge voltage 200 V to 16.5 kV Stabilized charging...
Suitable for EN/IEC 61000-4-2 ESD immunity compliance testing...
Rental Package IncludesAir and Contact Discharge Tips Output...
Lightweight and ergonomical Pre-programmed Test Levels per IEC 61000-4-2...
ESD Guns can refurbish your existing INA 405 battery pack. Expected...
Air- and Contact- Discharge: 1000 Volts - 20kV ±5% Rise time: 0.6-1ns RC...
Meets IEC/EN 61000-4-2 test settings Battery or mains operation...
As per standards
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ESD Test Equipment & Accessories
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New ESD Simulator Guns is a stocking distributor for most major manufacturers of ESD testing equipment and accessories. Most product statuses are current and up-to-date.
Rentals & Leases
Customers save money for short term projects by renting ESD simulation guns. *Online orders are subject to credit approval.